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Courageous Women Celebrating Breast Cancer Survival


Help for Hope and Healing (HHH), Jamestown’s Cancer Support Network, along with the Zonta Club of Jamestown, is hosting the 4th Annual Breast Cancer Brunch entitled “Courageous Women Celebrating Breast Cancer Survival.”  The brunch will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jamestown.  Anyone who has had breast cancer in the past or is currently being treated for breast cancer is considered a survivor. All current and former breast cancer patients, their friends, family members and care givers, men and women, are welcome and encouraged to attend.

According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer.  In 2011, over 288,000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed.  Fortunately many types of breast cancer are highly treatable; early detection and treatment are the key to surviving this disease.

Special guest speaker will be Meg Spielman Peldo, author of No Lumps, Thank You: A Bra Anthology.  This book was written to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer charities.

  The brunch is free of charge, but tickets are required.  Tickets are available at White Drug North (formerly Walz Pharmacy), from any HHH member or by calling Eileen at 251-1280 or 269-4521 (leave a message) or e-mailing to .
