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How HHH Happened
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Hopeful Contacts
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Hopeful Contacts

We are the team members of HHH: Carol, Charlotte, Cindy, Eileen and Laurel. We are all volunteers whose lives have been touched by cancer and we want to make a difference in the lives of people currently fighting the battle against cancer.

Hope is the most important word we have.  We have hope, we give hope, we believe in hope, and we hope that we can be of help. Please get in touch with us if you are facing cancer and need a specific type of help such as transportation to treatment, someone to pick up your prescription or drive your child to a dental appointment. Maybe it would really ease the burden if someone could bring a meal to your family once a month, come and visit with a homebound cancer patient while the primary caregiver takes a much needed break, or someone could share the ways in which they coped with their own cancer.

Below are e-mail addresses where you can reach us. Let us know what kind of help you need.

If you are able to help others dealing with cancer, please send us an e-mail message and let us know how you can help and how we can contact you. (Also see the “I Can Help” page)
